Monday, January 24, 2011

Valentine's Day is Coming!!

This blog is going to be a mixture of things.  I want to use it to be a diary of my life as a wife, mom, etsy shop owner, quilter, seamstress, and crafter!  I plan to post on a variety of topics, not just hock my wares :o)  Now I know there are a ton of crafting blogs out there, and just as many people that are much more talented and creative.  I just want my blog to be a window into my life....and hopefully have some fun along the way!  I have a ton of things already planned, so I hope that if you're here, you come back often :o)

That said......

February is my absolute favorite month of the year and I love Valentine's Day!  My mom would put little gifts for us out on the breakfast table the night before so we would be greeted with a little love the next morning.  My favorite V Day gift from her was a lady bug with hearts instead of dots.  It was just so cute!!  Another reason, I have to say, is that my birthday is in February and who doesn't love the month they were born in, right??

Handmade valentines are a MUST, although I will say that when it comes to class valentines, I am unashamedly drawn to the $3 box of 26 at WalMart!  Pair that with a box of chalky candy hearts, and you're a star!

I am thinking I have to make this beautifully simple heart wreath for my front door.  I love easy and simple!!  Burlap is probably the one fabric I don't have just lying around, so I will have to buy that.  I'll show a finished pic when I'm done!

Also, my first hair accessory tutorial is coming up this week!  Plus, I am very excited about adding a new product to my shop this details, but I sure do wish I had these when my girls were little!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy New Year!!

I'm only 3 weeks behind....but Happy New Year!  It seems like the holidays completely whizzed by without time to really stop and take it all in.  I had a wonderful time with my family.  My girls were just so much fun to watch on Christmas morning, too!  They are still young enough to believe in Santa and it just added to the magic of the day.  Of course, we always read the Christmas story from Luke 2 and bake a birthday cake for annual tradition in our home.  I honestly hope that my children always believe in Santa, although I know one day they will know the truth. 

As for Sweet and Sassy, I am so thankful for its success!  I love what I do and love meeting the people that I come in contact with on Etsy!  I have added so many new items, and have a desk-ful of goodies to photograph, but haven't had the time to do it!  I am hoping to post some tutorials as well for those of you interested in creating your own goodies!  Stay posted and Happy 2011!