Sunday, July 29, 2012

Baby Boy Burp Cloths

I went to a baby shower yesterday for a dear friend of mine...she is finally having her first baby!!  I wanted to share one of the things I made for her, some super cute burp cloths.  They are incredibly easy, too...bonus!!

Start with 3 pieces of coordinating fabric and 3 pieces of terry cloth.  My pieces were 11" x 18".  They are a great size for putting over the shoulder.  Anyway, just sew 1 piece each of the terry and fabric, right sides together, leaving a small opening for turning.  Clip the corners before turning, turn inside out, and then top stitch all the way around.  I did use my walking foot because I wasn't sure how slippery the two layers would be, but I don't think you have to.

And Viola!  An easy, boutique set of burp cloths almost too pretty to use :o)

I had some extra fabric, so i just ripped a 2 inch wide strip to tie a bow. 

Now that I've gotten the girls' quilts done, I am going to start working on one for the husby.  All this time and he still has never gotten one of his own....a fact he reminds me of often!

Hope yall had a great weekend :o)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Productive Weekend!

This weekend was perfect....I went to the quilt shop, finished 2 quilts, and got some new ca-ute Christmas fabric in the mail!!  

I was able to get both my girlies' quilts totally finished, quilted and bound, on Saturday. I opted for just an overall stipple design.  I just wanted them finished and it was taking me forever to come up with some creative quilting pattern.  I did the binding by machine since these will probably be washed a ton.   I finished Emma's in just a few hours.  

Then we headed to out for a cookout, complete with crazy lightning storm.  When we got home, Dayna just didn't understand why hers wasn't done if the quilting fairies came while we were gone!!  So, I went into high gear and had hers finished by 1 a.m., put it on her bed, and waited until morning!  She was so cute...SOO surprised it was done!  I haven't gotten pics of  Dayna's yet, but it's pretty much the same thing :o)  

Hope yall had a wonderful weekend!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

WIP Wednesday

First off....sorry I am posting about this quilt again!  That's what happens when it takes months to put together.  I have now been working on this for 7 months!  I am excited to say that I think I am close to being done with piecing this quilt top!!  My goal was 100 stars and I have 87 pieced together...I cannot believe I have stuck with this!  I have absolutely NO idea how to finish the I add grey diamonds all around the edges, do I just cut it off and have half stars??  I have been searching Pinterest and Google for some ideas.  What do yall think??

Didn't really realize how big this was getting until my girlies held it up for me...looks so much smaller on the ground!

 A few things I have noticed about this quilt is how heavy it is.  It's a LOT heavier...I assume because of the extra thread, seam allowances, pieces, etc.  I am going to LOVE sleepin under this one!

I also think I am going to use wool batting for this for 2 reasons.  I hear it quilts like butter, a good thing since I'm nuts and am planning to hand-quilt this thing also.  Another reason is it's just super warm and I am ALWAYS freezing. Has anyone ever used this before?

Still haven't started my Single Girl  *sigh*  I'm linking up to Lee's at Freshly Pieced:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Fit Tuesday - Stop Dieting

Hello all!!  I hope you are all having a wonderful week so far!  I did something this week that I haven't done in I can't remember how long....I went grocery shopping.  Real grocery shopping, with a full list of stuff for the week.  I haven't shopped like this in forever.  Usually we just stop on the way home, which I absolutely despise.  A funny thing happened this shopping session.  I was in the cereal aisle and wanted to get some Pop Tarts for Emma.  She loves them and I don't buy them that often...thought it would be a nice treat for her.  Anyway, as I am reading all the choices and trying to remember which ones are her faves, another mother was doing the same thing.  I don't know what it was, but we each reached for those Pop Tart boxes after we looked both ways to make sure that no one was looking at us!  It was like there was shame in buying Pop Tarts.  I just laughed because it was ridiculous!!  Long story, but it leads me to my topic of today's Fit Tuesday.
Stop Dieting

I have to get to a place where I stop thinking in terms of a DIET...and instead, think of this eating healthy thing as a lifestyle change.  If you don't see what you're doing as a life-changing program, then as soon as you get to your goal weight, those bad habits you were just putting on hold come raging back again.

So, instead of denying yourself a Pop Tart (or for me chocolate!) once in a while...just plan it as part of your day.  Is it the best choice for morning breakfast?  No.  But once in a while, in moderation, is fine.  We have to be able to live inside our "diets" otherwise free days when we can eat whatever we want become free weeks, months, years until all our hard work is gone.  I still have a long way to go...but each day I get a little bit closer!

// stop dieting. start living.

This week's stats:

Exercise this week:  zippo....sad to say
Pounds lost this week: 1
Total lost: 13
Pounds to go: 67

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

WIP Wednesday

Hi yall!!  I finally have a finish!!  I am beyond excited about FINALLY finishing my Swoon quilt!!  It took 6 hours to complete the binding...because I'm nuts and decided to finish it by hand.  This baby is 90 inches square, so it just seemed to take forever!  My girlies are helping hold it up here.  They were dying with their arms stretched up as far as possible :o)

So, sleeping under a quilt for the whole night is something new to me.  Sounds crazy since I have been quilting for about 7 years now.  I have never made one for my bed.  It's interesting...definitely didn't get cold, but I like more weight on me at night...does that even make sense?  So, it will take some getting used to.  And the hubs said he didn't sleep that well either.  We're kind of divas when it comes to certain things, apparently!

Other things I got accomplished this week include basting 2 superhero quilts for my girlies!  After spending 3 hours on my hands and knees, my muscles were very sore the next day :o)  Now to quilt them....if I can get the girls to let go of them long enough to do it!

Still working on my English paper piecing project...I have 20 stars left!!  And I am running out of papers, so I think I need to order more.  I bought all the packs my LQS had, and, unfortunately, they aren't stocking more.

I made another zippered pouch from some extra superhero fabric.  It's perfect for my EPP supplies :o)

Other WIPs: Queen Single Girl - all paper pieces are ready to go!
Large Hexagon - no progress

I'm linking up to Freshly Pieced WIP Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fit Tuesday....Not So Much

Hi all!!  I haven't done a Fit Tuesday post in a couple of weeks.  It's been hotter than crap here so I have been spending as much time at the pool as I can.  Not only that, but, you guessed it, more trouble with the foot.  I went back to my doctor, who took this awesome X-Ray....isn't it crazy!!  I know mine is probably pretty tame compared to some foot injuries (I know this because I Google, which gives all kinds of crazy foot injuries....complete with pictures!!!)  I will probably need to either have the screws removed or, if the break is still not healed, fuse the bones together.  Sounds awful.  After some more Googling, I think I want to opt for the screw removal--if I get the choice.

I gotta say I am SICK to death of this foot.  I know it's part of life, but just when I think I am starting to get some momentum forward, a fall down the stairs changes things.  It's been almost 2 years since my fall and we are still talking about it.  UGH!!

So, folks, we'll see how it goes in the next couple of weeks as I get more results and consultations.  In the mean time, I am going to forgo the walking/running and stick to the pool :o)