Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fit Tuesday

Posting this late tonight, but it's still Tuesday!  So, today I finished Week 3, Day 2 of the C25K program.  I had taken last week off simply because I didn't have time to do it at all.  Today kicked my butt!  The whole program hinges on interval training, alternating walking/running until you can run a full 5K.  I love the running, but I look forward to when the program tells me to start walking!!  I find that on days when I plan to work out, I am anxious for it all day, then I hit the treadmill and knock it out, coming away feeling like a million bucks.

Back when I was in WW, I learned something that flies in the face of everything we women are ever taught...be LESS efficient in order to get more activity in your day.  I work in an office, at a computer, all day.  It can make you a slug, lemme tell ya!  Be less efficient by walking the long way to the bathroom, breakroom, taking the stairs, walking around the floor to talk to a coworker instead of shooting an email.  I also park farther away from the building so I can walk a few extra minutes a day.  Every little thing adds up!

Pounds lost this week: 3
Total lost: 8
Pounds to go: 62

I am encouraged to see some of my clothes getting a little looser!  I've got 195 days until my Euro trip next summer...need to keep on track!  How did everyone do with Thanksgiving??  I stuffed myself, but just for the day :o)


Friday, November 23, 2012

Groove - A Finished Top

The top is finished, YAY!!  I honestly didn't think I'd get this far by now...the hubs just might get this in time for Christmas (this year, too)!!

Best part is that the hubs ♥♥♥ it!!

Linking up to Amanda Jean's Finish It Up Fridays at Crazy Mom Quilts and Sarah's Can I Get a Whoop Whoop! at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

WIP Wednesday

Hello, all!  I hope everyone is havin a great week!  I have actually made some progress this week, mainly because I've been home taking care of the hubs.  He had back surgery on Monday....best.decision.ever.  He is out of pain (except for the actual incision, etc.) and he is doing well.  I am so grateful for modern medicine.  While he was in the hospital, I watched London Hospital on my kindle...let me tell you, it's an eye-opener.  Just don't retell the story lines to someone just getting out of the hospital...not a great idea!!

On to the projects for this week!  I finished my Chicopee spiderweb quilt top, yippee!!  I LOVE the way it turned out, except it's not very big.  It's barely lap-sized, but that's okay, I still ♥ it.

I cut out all of the pieces to the hubs' Groove quilt...and am almost done piecing it!!  I am about 9 rows shy of the twin size.  I have a love/hate relationship with this pattern.  I love the end result, but hate the process.  I feel like a very slow dot matrix printer.  Despite how I feel about the pattern, it is coming out beautifully and I can't wait to quilt it up for my man for Christmas!

9 rows shy of finished top....was going to finish tonight, but my eyes started to blur

Linking up to Lee's at Freshly Pieced

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

WIP Wednesday

I am making slow progress on my Chicopee spiderwebs...added the solid triangles last night and got all the rows sewn together.  It is turning out much smaller than I had hoped, so it might turn into a wall hanging (insert sad face here)  Pardon the iPhone pics....it was all I could get last night!  I am LOVING the colors and the pattern and just about everything about it.  And I cannot wait to quilt it!!  It's been a while since I have had such focus on a project.

Also, I placed my first Spoonflower order recently...got my order in the mail this past week and I am still undecided about it.  I love this mermaid print though!!

Another Work in Progress is my C25K program.  Finished week 2, Day 3 yesterday, felt amazing and saw that this is my best distance so far.  I know it's baby steps but that's okay with me.

Linking up this week to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fit Tuesday

Hey all!  Back again, another week down!  By the way, I am not turning this into a fitness blog, but just haven't had much quilty/crafty to show lately.  I am trying to get my act together this week to get some stuff done!

I had one workout this week that made me feel amazing, and the rest were just hard.  I know that's normal, so no worries!  I am drinking water like a hound and stretching every day...not just for a workout.  It is helping tremendously!

Random thoughts for this week:
1.     Staying on points for most of the week helps - duh moment
2.     Oikos greek yogurt for breakfast is a great idea…full of protein so I am not starving at lunchtime
3.     A quality pair of running shoes makes the difference between feeling great after a workout and wanting to collapse and die (drama!)

Now for the moment I have been waiting for all week…I have refrained from getting on the scale just because I didn’t want to be disappointed…

Pounds lost this week: 5

That’s right….5 pounds!!!  Beyond excited and I am totally aware that this is not going to happen every week, but it DID happen this week, so bam!!

I don’t think I am going to be ready for the Thanksgiving 5K…just didn’t really have a lot of time to prepare and don’t want to embarrass myself.  BUT instead, I am creating a team for the Angels Among Us 5K scheduled for April. My husband has had 3 brain tumors, and while none of them were cancerous, more research needs to be done.  I already have 2 members besides myself!

Pounds lost: 5
Pounds to go: 65 *sigh*

Monday, November 5, 2012

Fit Tuesday

This week has been my first week back into the workout mode.  Right now, I have a love/hate relationship with it.  I have done 5 days of C25K since last Tuesday and let's just say I am re-learning HOW to exercise.  Two key parts of working out are water and stretching...basic things that make such a difference!!  On day 3, I didn't drink any water until my workout, didn't really stretch before hand,  and the whole workout was awful.  My calf muscles felt like they were ripping off my bones!  (A bit dramatic, right?)  I cried for about half of the time, but kept moving, kept going, kept willing myself forward.  It was a bit cathartic, until I realized I am sabotaging my own success if I don't do the things necessary to make it easier to work out.

Did some googling and found a great stretch routine here.  It's tailored for runners, but I think it would be a great routine for most basic workouts.

So, this week is going to be different! I also made up a WW food log, re-sized from this one.  I made enough pages to make a monthly booklet.  So far, so good!

I am going to start doing my weekly weigh-ins next week...since I didn't weight at all last week.  So, hopefully I can report a big change!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chicopee Spiderweb

I have had a jelly roll of Chicopee sitting on my desk for about 2 months now...just not sure of what to do with it yet.  I finally decided to break it out and it is pretty perfect for this time of the year!

A whole jelly roll makes about a wall hanging size of this particular design.  So, instead of breaking out the FQ set, I think I will pull in some solids from the ole stash.  I gotta say, the more I work with Chicopee, the more I love it!  I am already excited about the quilting on this one...thinking spiderwebs will be completely perfect!!