Friday, January 3, 2014

Groove is Finished!!

I finally finished the Groove quilt I started for the hubs about a year ago!! and just in time for Christmas!!  I forgot to post about this before the holidays, such a busy time.  Branson chose this pattern and the colors to match the San Diego Chargers...I'm convinced this is how they made it to the play offs this's the ONLY way, for real.  We have stunk it up this season.  Anyway!  I loved making this quilt!

The only thing about this pattern is that each size is oversized, which is plainly stated on the patter, but I had no idea the size would be such an issue with piecing the backing, quilting, wrangling that thing through a machine.  I ended up quilting it on a long-arm machine at a local quilt shop.  It was my first experience and I loved it!  My next big purchase, when I hit the lotto, is to buy one!

Thanks for letting me share!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hello 2014!!

I have been thinking about 2013 for the last few days, trying to wrap my head around all of the wonderful things that have happened this year.  I am so utterly thankful for every part of my life, the good and the bad. I just wanted to write these down, as a way to look back.

Things I learned in 2013:

I'm so much stronger than I thought I was
I am okay with people not liking me, even when it hurts like nothing else
That people deserve second chances
That I really love my kids, even when they drive me up a wall and I feel at a loss at what I'm doing as a parent.  But you keep trying, keep trying, keep trying until you figure things out
That I really love my husband, more today than when we first met.  And 15 years of marriage just isn't enough.
I've learned that my sister and I can see each other every single day and still not run out of things to talk about.  I am so thankful she lives so close and works with me every day.
That praying for and wanting something so badly doesn't make it happen and that I need to be content and patient, even if God says no.
That relationships can be mended

My goals for 2014:

To run a half marathon, come hell or high water :)
To lose the 70 lbs I committed to losing last year and only lost 15
To give more to others, putting my family first.  They usually take a back seat to other committments

2014, you are going to be an amazing year!!