Friday, December 11, 2015

No Fabric Spending 2016

I know everyone says this...but I cannot believe it's already the end of another year!  It's so cliche, but so true.  This year has whizzed by and brought a lot of changes with it.  I'm a single mom now...something I never thought I'd say.  While this was a much needed change for me and my girls, I can't say I like being single.  In fact, I don't like it at all.  The divorce and changes in my life have separated me from some good friends too, bringing a different layer of sadness with it.  You really do find out who your real friends are when you go through times like this.  I am truly blessed with some wonderful people in my life.

But I have made new friends, rekindled old friendships, and I feel good about 2016.

I'm already making goals for 2016, some are personal, some crafty, but all positive changes in my life.  I'm ready for new beginnings and fresh starts!

One of my goals that I'd like to share is "No Fabric Spending 2016"!!  When I first told my girls, Dayna said well, you better buy as much as you can before the end of the year! ha!  I feel good about it, though, maybe because of the new challenge.  This year I've been on my own, budgeting on one income and it's been tough.  I'm sure I am like a lot of people who use retail therapy to cope with emotional issues.  And fabric is my particular spendy drug!  So, I need to wean myself, save more, spend less, and focus on what I have instead of just being a buying machine.

I do think that Quilt Market doesn't help (side eye :) and the speed at which new lines of fabric are on the market.  I can't resist Anna Maria Horner, some of Tula Pink, Cotton and Steel.....but that is bad on the budget.  I don't blame anyone, people have to make money, but geez, can you slow it down??  I need to catch my breath before someone's new line comes out!  I do think the market is a machine that is running faster than ever.  And the "fear" of certain fabrics becoming rare and unavailable has people buying more than ever.  I just want to slow things down for me.  I have enough, more than I will probably use in the next few years.  I want to be more selective, less pushed by the market.

Pre-Sale- One Yard Bundle- Mendocino 2016-Heather Ross

On that note....I do have some fabric pre-ordered that is coming out in 2016 that I purchased before I decided to have a No Fabric Spending 2016.   Mendocino by Heather Ross and Chipper by Tula Pink.  I was just starting to sew when I first saw Mendocino and I didn't know enough to buy any of it then. I love the mermaids and the seahorses (one of my 3 favorite animals!)

I have given myself the leeway to use any extra money, like birthday money or money I make separate from my job, to use on fabric, but only if I really really really love it.

If you've read this much, sorry for such a long posting.  I know this might sound trivial to some, but we each have our, clothes, eating out, jewelry.  Mine just happens to be fabric :)