Monday, March 14, 2011

Never Too Old

I picked my girlies up from school today and they both were in rough shape.  They had good days, but were just spent.  Dayna, K-5, whined the whole way home and Emma, 2nd grade, could hardly breathe from allergies.  We got home and it was time for homework, piano practice, baths, dinner....the list goes on.  Emma was on the brink of a meltdown because "It's just too hard, I just can't do it!!" Normally, I am thinking "suck it up and quit complainin'" but tonight was just different.  I learned a valuable lesson.  You are never too old to be healed by sitting on your mama's lap. 

When I pulled my almost-8-year-old on my lap and just held was like magic.  Her mood instantly improved and she was transformed back into herself again.  It's so hard to remember that she is still very young and can't always process the pressure she feels to get good grades,  keep her temper in check, be obedient and a good friend.  She still needs to be held and hugged and told it's okay if you don't get it on the first try.  Emma helped me tonight as much as I think I helped her.


  1. I even have to remember this with my 3 year old and 1 year old! Love you, friend!

  2. You're's so hard sometimes! Love you too!!

  3. What a great reminder! My daughter is nine and I find myself so frustrated with her sometimes over things like not being responsible, forgetfulness, etc. All good things to be working on but I also need to remember, she's nine. Gonna give her a cuddle today :)

  4. Thanks for the tutorial ! I just started making hair bows & this is defiantly one I'm gonna make! Thanks again!


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