Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer Thursdays-Finally a Finished Project!

This summer I am working 4 10s in order to have an extra day off to spend with my girlies.  Today, however, my girls wanted to go with their summer day camp group to the Marbles museum today, leaving me all alone for the entire day!!  I talked to my sister for a couple hours, took a nap, cut out some fabric, etc.  It's nice to be at home when it's totally quiet!!

My first project in quite a while is my new camera strap.  I LOVE this fabric!  I gave the a pocket on the inside for the lens cap and added rosettes to the front so that I would remember which side my lens cap was!  Anyway, I love how it turned out!

camera strap



I have been looking at a lot of pretty camera straps and just decided to design my own.  There are things I would change to do it all again, but it really didn't take very long so I may just make a bunch of these!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love the design for this camera strap! It's just what I've been looking for! So cute!


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